
Showing posts from March, 2021

On Vulnerability

I mentioned that I wanted to bring a sustainability initiative or goal to my company as a way to contribute to moving the sustainability movement forward. God, just writing that sounds hopelessly vague. (I'll think more on that later.) I was seriously doubting myself, thinking "they're going to wonder what this has to do with anything and why I'm asking for this and what I propose they do and then they're going to tell me they don't have the time or resources to do it." That thought kept returning and putting me down every time I came back to this idea. (It still does - look at what I wrote up above: " hopelessly vague ". That's not very encouraging to myself.) It turned out that I had already been sent a source of inspiration for this particular battle - my boyfriend's sister had sent me her two favorite books of 2020, one of which was Daring Greatly  by  Dr.  BrenĂ© Brown . It has helped me frame the thinking I describe above as: my thou